Saturday, August 31, 2019

Detrimental Effects of Social Networking

Social networking is all the rage with society. It is a main outlet for both personal and professional networking. Whether its job related and trying to put the word out for prospective employers or just connecting with a long distance friend via instant message, there aren’t too many people who have not taken advantage of this option to connect with others. There are not many households without the technology to take advantage of this option in communication. It seems to be the main form of contact within society today. The problem with this method of communication is that it does not allow for strong face to face interaction and allows society to in a sense to hide themselves. This inherently has led to a society with lower self esteem and has put a wall up with its users lowering standards of social interaction. It has had such a negative impact and should be used with greater caution especially within the teenage and young adult generation. Such sites as Facebook, Myspace and orkut have had an extremely negative impact on society and what should be perceived as acceptable. Social Networks and the ideas and activities associated with these networks have become profoundly detrimental to society today. It has escalated into much more impressive problems such as cyber bullying, intense obsession and lessened interpersonal communication skills. Let’s first examine a less extreme, but equally important problem with social networks. Interpersonal communication is imperative for growth and self confidence in an individual. Social networking and the sites associated with this practice have greatly diminished the growth process of interpersonal communication. Nurturing a younger group to be more secure with themselves and aid in shaping those who are to be the future leaders of our society is harder due to lack of communication skills. This lack stems from excessive use of these internet sites. Social network sites, chat rooms, instant messaging allows for the user to hide behind a screen name or online profile, lessening personal communication, instead using the computer as a crutch for relating with peers and new contacts. (Acar, 2008). These networks have made it possible for people to hide and not have to give 100 percent of themselves. It creates a negative impact when it comes time for important events such as interviewing for a job or giving an important speech for a class. Young adults are so in tuned with who is doing what and where others are dining out at for that moment versus developing the necessary skills to be a productive member of society. A theory known as the anxiety and uncertainty management theory (Gudykunst, 1985) deals with interpersonal communications with different cultures, but it also provides helpful insight into communication with strangers as a whole. According to Gudykunst’s (1985) theory face to face communication with strangers or other people not known personally or professionally by the individual lessens anxiety and increases social skills necessary for growth as a human being; thus trying to relate through a computer is proven detrimental to social growth and diminishes interpersonal communication skills. The extreme continual use of these networks as a social means is going to lead to a profound number of angst ridden individuals trying to function in society. Social network sites, chat rooms and online communities have created an obsession factor. The online community is so hyped up and popular, if you don’t have an online profile one way or another you are not considered as part of that â€Å"in crowd† when it comes to online communities. It’s likened to the new pair of basketball shoes youth must have in order to fit in at school. Some people have become so obsessed with being online it has shaped their life and consequences have proved to fatal. This leads into the obsession factor of these networks. Short of being a drug, some people are so hooked on online gaming and competing against others or building their farm or getting a high score, the real world takes a back seat. Normally playing a game wouldn’t be a bad thing; however the fixation of beating or â€Å"one upping† your other 65 friends in an online game has had detrimental effects. This was proven when a Jacksonville Florida woman age 22 was playing Farmville on Facebook and was thoroughly engrossed in the game. Her 3 month old son was distracting her and as she stated â€Å"interfering with her game† to a point that she violently shook him which resulted in the infant’s death. (Jamison, 2010). Internet addiction is a very serious condition. Social networking sites contribute o this by adding games and online activities that entrance the user to become a habitual user and assist in the addiction. It’s been stated that internet users are becoming addicted the same way an addict becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol. (Renee, 2010) Another facet of social networking that is becoming a trend that most definitely needs to be stopped is cyber bullying. Cyber bullyin g is using digital technology and online forums to harass another individual. (McQuade, Colt, & Meyer, 2009) Networking has opened a new door for teenage criminal activity and given them the opportunity to harass and hide behind a screen name. Online communities allow users to â€Å"pose† as someone else, becoming misleading and deceptive to the person being harassed or bullied. A strong supporting case of this was the Megan Meier case, where a young girl was in belief that she was talking to a boy who was interested in her, only to find out it was an ex friends mother was in fact portraying herself as a boy seemingly interested in Megan to gain her trust and then began taunting and teasing the 15 year old Megan who then took her life because of such intense harassment. Cyber bullying is such a horrific occurrence and just one more thing that teens are faced with, and social networking is the gateway for the heinous act. Another facet of cyber bullying is occurring with Facebook, where there is bullying or teasing because of lack of friends. Facebook shows users how many friends each other have. If one person has a lower amount, teens are known to harass and chide them for it (Zay, 2011) While there are many users of social networking that have benefitted, the cons of this communication far outweighs the pros. It has produced a less educated more stressed society and this is most prevalent in teens and young adults. To secure a more educated, socially aware and confident society, these networking sites and mediums should be used sparingly and the younger generations should develop relationships more fluidly through face to face communication to enhance self esteem and strengthen moral skills.ReferencesAcar, A. (2008). Antecedents and Consequences of Online Social Networking Behavior: The Case of Facebook. Journal of Website Promotion, 3(1/2), 62. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Gudykunst, William. (1985). A model of uncertainty reduction in intercultural encounters. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. 4(2), 79-97. Jamison, K. (2010, October 27). Farmville addicted mom shakes baby to death. Retrieved from McQuade, S., Colt, J. P., & Meyer, N. (2009). Cyber Bullying: Protecting Kids and Adult s from Online Bullies. Westport. Renee. (2010, September 5). The Addictive Nature of Social Networking Sites. Retrieved from Online Conference on Networks and Communities; Department of Internet Studies, Curtin University of Technology: ZAY, S. (2011). What Sticks & Stones Can't Do, Facebook Will-and More!. USA Today Magazine, 139(2790), 56. Retrieved from EBSCOhost

Friday, August 30, 2019

Internet Security Breaches

The world has been undergoing persistent transformation which some have been attributed to the changing developments in science and technology. In particular, information and communication technology is one of the most celebrated developments. Indeed, information technology has changed the lives of people across the globe. Information technology has reduced the world to a global village through fostering advanced communicationforms. However, with the advancements in information technology, especially the internet, insecurity issues have emerged.Insecurity issues have, in turn, sparked far reaching implications to the users. The most rampant security breaches that have been evidenced within the last six months include cyber bullying, network intrusion, cyber fraud, virus launching and data breaches. Cyber Fraud Cyber fraud can be defined as the use of software or internet services to defraud victims or taking advantage of them. This includes stealing information that is considered per sonal, in what constitutes identity theft. One of the most common forms of internet fraud entails distributing rogue security software.Internet technology has created the allowance for criminals to carry out fraudulent transactions, as well as transmit the proceeds of the frauds to other institutions. Cyber frauds occur in message boards, websites, emails and even chat rooms (Messner, 2012). Purchase fraud is an example of cyber fraud and occurs when a perpetrator proposes a business transaction to a merchant, only to use fraudulent mechanisms, such as a fake or stolen credit card, to pay for it. The eventuality is that the merchant does not receive the payment and may even be charged back for accepting credit cards.Another example of fraud is whereby theperpetrators post information about goods that they intend to sell. Interested buyers are asked to make payments for the purchase and delivery of the goods. However, it later turns out that the goods were non-existent and they had o nly been conned. The third example of cyber fraud is phishing, which is the act of masquerading as a person that can be trusted, such as bank agents or consultants, to acquire information that is sensitive, such as details of credit cards and passwords, among other details that victims may be convinced to share.Subsequently, the information offered is used for fraudulent transactions. It is argued that cyber frauds makeheadlines each day. In October 2012, Barners & Noble Inc. made announcements that several PIN keypads had been hacked in as many as its 63 outlets, leaking the card information and PIN numbers of its customers. Easy Solution is one of the companies with evolving techniques of curbing cyber frauds. The company claims to be the only one that is well placed to curb various forms of electronic fraud, clouds and premises.The company has introduced an updated version of the Detect Monitoring Services, which entails timely fraud protection, enhanced monitoring capabilities a nd enhanced fraud protection. Detect Monitoring Service software effectively monitors the behaviors and patterns associated with phishing scams. Thus, it stops the threats before they cause damage. The software comprises of a relatively simple interface that can effectively function for all forms of clouds and even premises. It is argued that of over 800, 000 phishing attacks, the service enabled the company to detect as many as 76% on timely basis, exhibiting 3.6 hours of average deactivation time. Online transactions services have been particularly affected by cyber frauds.More often than not, customers often get cautious when asked to give personal information. Online transaction service providers have only resorted to instilling confidence in the customers as a way of encouraging them. This entails displaying policies, security badges and trust certificates, as well as the contact information. Online retailers should highlight security around the websites’ secured areas t o assure customers that their confidential information is safe.This should be done, regardless of whether some browsers have security indicators built in them. Some online retailing companies, such as Amazon, display this through the use of the sign-in button. Others opt to use padlock symbols that are located in the sign-in areas. This is advisable, even when it is not needed by the customers. Online retailing companies are advised to give alternative contact options. Indeed, some companies are offering customer care support by using call backs, e-mails, and chats to enable users report suspicious activities.Data breachesData breaches includeall those cyber activities characterized by unauthorized access, use and disclosure of individuals’ or organization information over or from the internet. Malicious attacks are considered to constitute the most expensive data breach, yet they are increasing. Malicious attacks account for as significant as 40% of the data breaches where n egligence account for about 32% (In Defense of Data, 2013)Computer software companies, healthcare records and companies have been the most targeted and have accounted for as significant as 93% of the global data breaches (In Defense of Data, 2013).Network security is a necessity for every company. A company’s network cannot be said to be effective if it consists of security lapses. Threats to company's network can be considered as a subject of various activities. However, former employees who leave the company due to downsizing can be considered as a significant threat. Other activities such as a daily courier dropping packages at the company’s premises, employees travelling on company business to other cities, or building management company installing a fire extinguisher system in company’s premises are not a serious threat.It can be argued that individuals with the potential of hacking, sabotaging and damaging systems are those with familiarity to nature and f orm of network system. Therefore, an employee that left the company has the capability of hacking the company’s network since they are familiar about the loopholes in the company’s network system. What increases the possibility of hacking is,if the employees left the company due to retrenchment, the attempts of network hacking could be fueled by the whims of revenge.It is argued that all former employees that worked in the company, accessing sensitive data bases and financial documents pose a threat to the company’s security. The fact that information technology does not respond to the altering of access points act as a fueling factor. Therefore, a person with information about the company’s network system has the potential of causing more harm than a hacker. According to the 2005 CERT survey, a significant number of former employees are increasingly utilizing the opportunity.The survey indicates that about 59% of the security intrusion is done by former company’s contractors;48% of those involved in hacking had been sacked;38% had left the company due to downsizing while 7% had been retrenched. The survey also notes that former IT professionals are particularly a significant threat to data security(Hazelden Foundation, 2012). Data breaches caused by negligence could be resolved by addressing the factors associated with negligence. On the other hand, data breaches caused by malicious software could be prevented by using appropriate network intrusion, detection techniques and anti-spyware software.Technological mechanisms would include updating and altering passwords for security purposes. Network intrusion/ Hacking Network intrusion or hacking refers to the unauthorized entry into a network, often characterized by malicious ambition of intercepting information from the network or website. The information can be used for other criminal activities such as fraud or espionage. Telvent Company hacking is considered as one of the r ecent hacking events that occurred in September 2012.The company has learned that its firewall and security systems have been compromised by the attackers who installed malicious software that enabled them steal project files. Telvent, a company whose services and software are applied in monitoring energy industry reported that it has been hacked which affected its operation in United States, Spain and Canada. The incident was blamed on Chinese hacking groups opposed to Western interests (Thiel, 2012). Lately, US officials have blamed Russia and China for staging intrusion attacks against United States for espionage, economic gains and other selfish motives.In November 2012, Leon Panetta, the US Secretary of Defense, had warned that United States was about to experience a cyber-attack comparable to Pearl Harbor, blaming hacking incidents that had been linked to the Middle East and United States Oil producers (Messner, 2012). The technological intervention to network intrusion is the development of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). IDSs refer to application of device or software that aims at monitoring either networks or activities of systems against activities that are either malicious or that violate policies in place.Types of IDSs include Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDSs) and Hot-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS). Network Intrusion Detection System is considered as one of the most popular approaches. Network Intrusion Detection System refers to a system that is designed to detect activities that are considered malicious such as service denial attacks, port scans, as well as cracking into computers via Network Security Monitoring. NID senses the packets coming through the network and scans them in order to identify patterns that are suspected to be malicious.Such patterns can be referred to as rules or signatures. Not only NIDSis limited to scanning of the network traffic that comes into the system but, one can also find a lot of important i nformation concerning network intrusion from both local traffic and outgoing networks. More so, through NIDS, it is possible to stage attacks from the inside the network under monitoring and even a segment of the network. In this regard, such attacks are not in any way considered as incoming traffic. Usually, other various systems are incorporated to function with NIDS.The other network systems could, for instance, deal with updating the blacklists of firewalls using IP address of the computers under the use of real or suspected network crackers. NIDS consist of documentation (DISA) that utilizes ‘NID’ as a terminology with a target of distinguishing IDS that are internal from external. Just like any other IDS, NIDS comprises sensors and management console as its essential components. While management console deals with management and reporting, sensors deal with monitoring of networks. NIDS senses network intrusions through examination of network traffic.The system has the capability of monitoring multiple hosts. Usually, the access to the network traffic is gained through connection to a hub of networks, port-mirroring configured networks or even through the network taps. The NIDS sensors are situated at checkpoints of networks under monitoring. This are more often than not located in demilitarized areas or at the boarders of the network so as to increase effectiveness. All the network traffic is captured by the sensors before each of the packets’ contents are eventually analyzed for malicious network traffic.There are various examples of NIDS such as commercial products (such as ISS Realsecure, NFR Network Intrusion Detection System, Sourcefire and Computer Associates e Trust IDS) and freeware products (such as Ethereal, Snort and Tcpdump). Snort is the most common of all. NIDS should be considered as the most appropriate for organization securitybecause it ensures the greatest impact on the security of the network, takes shorter time to deploy compared to HIDS, yet it is relatively cheaper.Additionally, as long as it is placed on the outside of firewall or demilitarized zones to ensure for effectiveness, NIDS is capable of monitoring all forms of internet traffic and relays immediate feedback on the nature of network security. NIDS is very important to the general internet security. But particularly concerning the network security, NIDS is farther important to organizations in the following ways: first, NIDS has the capability of detecting attacks that HIDS cannot, for instance, fort scan and denial-of-service.Second, NIDS quickly detects and alerts on incidents of intrusion to avert maximum damage. This is particularly suited t o the demilitarized zones, considering the fact that internet providers usually situated at the zones are major computer attack targets. Third, NIDS is capable of reporting successful as well as unsuccessful attacks which is particularly essential as it offers a chance to better understand the network and hence, a key to network security enhancement. Fourth, NIDS equips organizations with knowledge regarding the environment of their network.Fifth, but for application of NIDS, it is difficult to identify network hacking. Lastly, NIDS is very important for organizations’ forensic evidence tool (Thiel, 2007). In this regard, it is not easy to tamper with the evidence unless the aggressors interfered with IDS. Launching worms Launching worms is a cybercrime that involves development of worms, also referred to as viruses, then releasing them on the internet domains. The worms slow down the internet connectivity or infect computers to stop them from functioning effectively.In 2000, FBI suspected incidents of cybercrimes being committed by the Russian citizens namely Alexey Ivanov and VasiliyGorshkov. It sought to track the suspected cyber criminals, luring them to come to United States with a ruse of a job promise (Quinlan, 2012). Activities of concocting worms and launching them on the internet are illegal in some parts of the world. As such, a person found to engage in cybercrime activities that spreads worms is likely to be prosecuted in various courts of countries affected by the worms. In some cases, the prosecution can be consecutive.However, in practice, few countries are in the position of claiming jurisdictions partly because some assume other countries would have incurred serious damages to consider it a priority to prosecute. These reflect how tricky dealing with cybercrimes across the borders is. Certain actions that are done on the internet may be legal in countries where they are initiated, but illegal in other countries that have access to the internet content. There are various recent incidents that entail virus launching. In October 2012, reports were made that FBI was to shut down a DNS as a way of containing viruses.Users were required to check their computers for virus and clean them before they could be allowed to access. These steps had been taken following the launching of the internet infestation by the DNS changer virus. The virus had cost the world billions of dollars (Quinlan, 2012). There are various technological approaches to worm problems. The most common approach is through installing anti-virus software. The antivirus software could be installed remotely on the computers, creating the allowance for all the information that streams in to be scanned for viruses.Malicious files and viruses are either blocked or repaired. Anti-virus could also be installed on the internet to scan the information that is sent over it. Websites, such as Google, are now offering such services. There are various antivirus software products on the market, including Avira, Norton and Kaspersky, which are effective in detecting and blocking malware (Nnap, 2011). Cyber bullying Cyber bullying has been cited as one of the areas that constitute internet security breaches. It entails transferring of abusesor information aimed at intimidating other people.Cyber bullying has turned out as the newest platform for which the people, especially the youth, are increasingly abusing each other. The more concerning issue is that there are currently no new appropriate techniques that intervene for cyber bullying despite the large numbers of children who have access to information and technologies. Internet and cell phone communications have been cited as tools of cyber bullying. Even more intriguing is that cyber bullying occurs during class time. Various incidents of cyber bullying have been witnessed recently.One of the cases that conspicuously featured on news headlines was of Alexis Henkel, a high school student. Henkel was charged with posting a number of anonymous and threatening messages on the internet account of one of her former classmates, who she accused of engaging in a flirt with his boyfriend (HazeldenFoundation, 2012). It has been argued that cyber bullying is particularly rampant because mos t cases are not reported. The most appropriate technological approach to addressing cyber bullying entails the application of safety tools, which facilitates content monitoring, as well as blocking.Indeed, various social sites now offer safety tools that enable users and administrators to report and block forms of communication that amount to bullying. These go hand-in-hand with the approach of instilling of ethical morals among the users, as well as enlightening the society on online safety, including ways of using online safety tools. Category of internet security Breaches Information leakageIntegrity ViolationDenial of ServiceIllegitimate use Data breaches; information stored in a website is accessed and released without authorityCyber bullying; entails sending abuses and information that undermines the integrity of other peopleWorm Launching; worms or viruses block internet access, denying the victims access to the internet. Additionally, some worms infect computers, making them malfunction. This also denies the victims access to computer services1. Internet intrusion and Hacking Hacking enables the perpetrators to access websites and use services illegitimately. 2. Cyber fraud Cyber fraud constitutes the motives of illegitimate use of internet resources

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Primal Fear – Psychology Connections

? Psychology 101 Spring 2010 Midterm Please answer the following questions based on the information contained in the movie and place in the drop box no later than 11:59 p. m. on FRIDAY 03/12/10; The film, Primal Fear is a psychological courtroom crime drama based on William Diehl’s novel of the same name. Steve Shagan and Ann Biderman wrote the movie’s adapted screenplay, which was brought to life by director Gregory Hoblit and released in 1996. Richard Gere stars as Martin Vail, a famed defense attorney who volunteers to represent a young boy accused of murder. Edward Norton plays the character of Aaron Stampler, a teenage alter boy charged with the gruesome murder of Archbishop Richard Rushman; who is portrayed by Stanley Anderson. Assistant District Attorney (and ex-girlfriend of Martin Vail) Janet Venable; played by Laura Linney, is assigned to prosecute Aaron’s murder case. Frances McDormand is cast as Doctor Molly Arrington, the Psychologist who discovers that Aaron suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder and has an alternate personality; a violent sociopath who calls himself Roy. Supporting performances: Alfre Woodard portrays Miriam Shoat, the Judge who presides over Aaron’s trial proceedings. John Mahoney is cast as John Shaughnessy, Chicago’s District Attorney. The beloved Archbishop of Chicago is brutally murdered in a gruesome manor; viciously stabbed multiple times, with letters and numbers carved into his chest, his fingers chopped off and eyes gouged out. Aaron Stampler is found fleeing the scene of the crime, covered in the Archbishop’s blood. After an extensive chase, the police eventually catch and apprehend Stampler. Criminal defense attorney Martin Vail watched the live man hunt on television; seeing an opportunity for publicity, Vail instantaneous met with Aaron and volunteered to represent his case. Vail questioned Aaron about the events that occurred before he was charged with The Archbishop’s murder. Aaron claims that he discovered the mutilated body of the deceased Bishop Rushman while attempting to return a book to Rushman’s library. Aaron also saw saw someone standing over The Archbishop’s body, who then attacked him; the last event he recalls before his memory blacked out. Nicknamed â€Å"The Butcher Boy† by the media, it appears that Aaron is already presumed guilty by the public. Martin Vail immediately starts the preparation of Aaron’s defense by gathering information about Aaron Stampler and Archbishop Rushman; Vail also orders a full psychiatric evaluation of Aaron. Assistant District Attorney Janet Venable is appointed to the prosecution Aaron’s case; on behalf of the state, she charges Stampler with first degree murder and seeks the death penalty as punishment. Janet Venable is not only the prosecuting attorney in Aaron’s trail, but also Martin Vail’s ex-girlfriend. Upon Vail’s investigation of The Archbishop, he discovers that Rushman invested money on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church which resulted in large losses of money to the city’s most powerful people; Vail also learned of the numerous death threats that were made to The Archbishop. In an attempt to find the exact cause of his black out and memory loss, Psychologist Molly Arrington performs a thorough psychological evaluation of Aaron. She discovers that years of abuse have caused Aaron to develop multiple personality disorder; Roy, Aaron’s alter ego is introduced to the audience. Martin encounters another of Rushman’s Altar boys, who accuses The Archbishop of sexual abuse and claims that such events can be proved by video recording; this uncovers the sinister truth of Rushman’s demonic secrets. Vail discovers the video in The Archbishop’s home; the tape displays Rushman forcing Aaron, his girlfriend Linda and the other Altar boy to participate in repulsive sexual acts. Vail rushes to the jail cell, confronts Aaron with his discovery, and accuses him of hiding the truth; Vail violently badgers Aaron, attempting to force a confession of guilt. After continuous harassment from Vail, Aaron snaps, causing his alternate persona â€Å"Roy† to surface and fight back against Vail. We learn that â€Å"Roy† killed The Archbishop and Aaron is truly insane. Martin Vail cannot change Aaron’s trial plea from â€Å"not guilty† to â€Å"guilty by reason of mental insanity†, Vail must come up with evidence that will prove Aaron’s innocence. During the trial proceedings, witnesses are questioned and Aaron is cross examined by Martin Vail and Janet Venable. Martin attempts to anger Aaron with the hope that it will trigger the appearance of â€Å"Roy†. After no success, Vail is finished questioning Aaron and Venable begins to ask him about his involvement in The Bishop’s murder. Aaron becomes enraged with Venable’s questions and attitude, he loses control of his anger and â€Å"Roy† replaces Aaron while on the witness stand. â€Å"Roy† curses at Venable, jumps from his seat and attacks Janet; threatening to break the A. D. A. ’s neck. The court officer’s eventually pry â€Å"Roy† from Venable and she is free from harm. â€Å"Roy† is handcuffed, taken from the courtroom and locked back into his jail cell. Judge Shoat pronounces Aaron Stampler medically ill and the trial is declared a mistrial. Martin Vail goes to Aaron’s cell and relays the good news; he will not be convicted of murder or face the death penalty and will instead be placed in a mental health facility. Upon leaving the jail cell, Vail is questioned by Aaron, who wonders if Ms. Venable’s neck is ok, and wants Vail to tell her he’s sorry for trying to harm her. Vail nods, and begins exiting the cell and comes to the realization that since the personality of â€Å"Roy† took over Aaron’s psyche while in court, he could not have known about his violent attack on Janet. Vail realizes that this means Aaron was faking his alternative personas and he tricked everyone into believing his innocence. Vail questions Aaron who admits to the fabrication of his entire act and claims that he murdered Archbishop Rushman in cold blood and got away with it. Martin Vail realizes he helped Aaron get away with murder; however he says nothing and slowly walks from the jail onto the street outside. â€Å"Primal Fear’s† main character is criminal defense attorney Martin Vail. Vail is a debonair, self-satisfied, egotistical legal hotshot; he flaunts his accomplishments, arrogance and enjoys seeing his name in the headlines. When Vail discovers a high profile murder case involving the mutilation of an Archbishop, he races at the opportunity to defend Aaron Stampler, the teenage boy accused of the crime. Vail’s character flaws are instantly presented to the audience, initially portraying a narcissist who’s only invested in defending Aaron for personal gain. After their interactions, Vail is troubled by his belief that Aaron is innocent. Martin Vail is motivated into unselfishness by the purity of Aaron Sampler. We begin to see the complexity of Martain Vail’s personality, and the multi-dimensions of his character. After indulging in hard liquor at a bar with a reporter, a candid conversation allows the audience to observe an extremely honest and sincere glimpse of the true virtues which motivate Martin Vail. During this vulnerable moment, Vail declares that he truly believes in the notion that all people are innocent until proven guilty, in the basic goodness of people; and he has faith that not all crimes are committed by bad people, some very, very good people do some very bad things. Judging Martin Vail’s initial actions during the start of the movie would result in a negative opinion Vail; we see him as selfish, cynical and corrupt. However, as Aaron’s story unravels and hidden secrets are revealed, we see Vail’s â€Å"multiple personalities†, and he evolves into a person with righteous morals and motives. â€Å"Primal Fear† has numerous victims who suffered because of the actions of other characters. The initial victim is Archbishop Rushman who is the victim of Aaron’s murder. However, another perspective could claim that Aaron was the victim of Bishop Rushman’s sexual abuse. Martin Vail could be seen as a victim of Aaron’s devious performance that tricked Vail and the court into believing in his insanity and innocence. Yet, the initial fame-loving behavior of Martin Vail and the selfish motives which encouraged his eagerness to represent Aaron Stampler was deceitful and Aaron’s best interest were exploited to better benefit Vail; these actions victimize Aaron. Psychology is used in â€Å"Primal Fear† in numerous ways. The movie’s main characters develop with complexity and are multidimensional in their emotions and behaviors. The film’s tagline; â€Å"sooner or later a man who wears two faces forgets which one is real†, explains this idea best. Our main characters all have multiple â€Å"faces†, and as the plot of Primal Fear develops, each character is faced with discoveries and revelations that change their ideas and alter their moral beliefs. Juxtaposition is literally exploding from every scene of this movie; and psychology can help us understand the motivations behind the characters actions. Martin Vail is initially a self obsessed, fame seeking, egotistical hotshot lawyer; who only does things that benefit him. As the film develops, events cause Vail to expose the more sincere parts of his motivations; as the outcome of Aaron’s trial looks grim, Vail literally portrays another side of his personality and we see a man who truly believes in the innocence of Aaron. This belief encourages Martin to work for the benefit of Aaron, and not concern himself with gaining any type of self profit. We see a transformation of Martin Vail as his actions go from selfish to selfless. The beloved and holy Archbishop Rushman is viewed as a savior and hero. When Rushman is found murdered, the media and people of Chicago paint image of Bishop Rushman as divine, righteous and saintly. Once again we discover information that changes our opinion of The Bishop from black to white. After Aaron’s fellow Altar Boy admits that Bishop Rushman had a dark, sinister secret; and he secretly forced Aaron, his girlfriend and him to perform numerous sexual acts on film. The Archbishop went from being regarded as holy to sexually satanic. The character of Aaron Stampler best portrays the ideas of psychology. Initially appearing weak and innocent, the stuttering Choir Boy illustrates a convincing story that causes the other characters and the audience to believe him. After appearing to have multiple personality disorder; Aaron is taken over by his alternative persona â€Å"Roy†, a violent sociopath who admits to murdering Archbishop Rushman. Aaron and Roy are complete opposite in their demeanor, actions and behaviors. At the end of the film we find that Aaron’s mindset it really that of Roy, and he had faked his entire shuddering and weak alternate personality. Martain Vail discovers this information too, and although he knows Aaron is a cold blood killer, he exits the jail and does not confess Aaron’s trick to anyone. Maybe Vail feels bad for Aaron because he was sexually abused, and he believes that Aaron killed the Archbishop because he terrorized his life; Vail may not think Aaron is an evil person, just a good person who did a very, very bad thing.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Contributions of Migrant Workers in the Hotel Industry in London Essay

The Contributions of Migrant Workers in the Hotel Industry in London - Essay Example Concerning the United Kingdom, the immense contribution of migrants has facilitated the performance of the hotel industry in London because they demand low wages, salary packages and fewer facilities than the native born-born workers. For that reason, the operating costs of running the hotel business have been low due to low costs associated with payroll. These cheap salary packages are often due to migrants receiving insufficient information regarding the rules and regulations governing the international labor market and their rights as employees (Alberti, Holgate & Turner 2014). Consequently, the migrant workers have no idea of the fact that minimum wage policies exist. One of the determining factors of the minimum wage in the United Kingdom is the age group. The wage rates are calculated on the basis of the number of hours spent at work. For instance, the current wage rate per hour of an employee whose age is 21 years and above is  £ 6.50. In addition, the migrant workers might lack the information about the existence of health and safety regulations that impose various limitations on the working condition. Therefore, the level of wage set for them by their employees is just what their employers wish for them to earn. The hotel industry exploits the opportunity created by lack of sufficient information in a bid to reduce the expenses, thus increase the profitability level. (Janta et al. 2012). Migrant workers continually play a noteworthy and significant role in the Hotel industry across the globe. The internal movements of labor that occur within nations will be of equivalent volumes and, in a few countries, more noteworthy and essential in meeting the needs of the Hotel Industry (Shen & Huang 2012). The migrant workers are a vital source of government revenue. The tax on their wages makes a substantial contribution to the global government incomes.

The value and importance of the small firm to the world economy Essay

The value and importance of the small firm to the world economy - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that in the recent times, the role of small firms has been recognized to be extremely important for socio-economic development. Gà «rgjaliu-Thaà §i stated that small firms in the current world economy are closely associated with employment and poverty eradication. It is claimed that small firms decentralize economic control and offer individuals a stake in the future. However, there has been constant debate being made-over the importance of small firms. Amid these constant debates, the proponents of small firms have stated that successful small firms are crucial for the global economic development. It has been claimed that small firms are the major source of innovation and development of entrepreneurship. In this section critical analysis of the article, first, the researcher wants to demonstrate the statistics presented in the article. Correspondingly, Day argued that most firms across the world are small firms based on the number of emp loyees employed. Taking the example of the United Kingdom’s (UK’s) business environment, the author has stated that 95 percent of firms in the UK employ less than 10 employees which imply that small firms are the predominant aspect of the socio-economic growth of the UK. Cromie firmly asserted that marketing in small firms is equally important as in the case of large firms. It is crucial that activities pertaining to marketing in small firms are relevant as well as appropriate considering the problems that it intends to resolve and the life cycle position of the firms.