Saturday, October 19, 2019

Brother from another mother Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Brother from another mother - Essay Example It is like I now live in a dream. Before I met Keifer, I worked myself too hard to try and grasp any opportunity that was coming my way so as to succeed and have a good life just like anybody else. Being fresh from college with my ambitions down deep in my veins, I could never find that perfect opportunity that would help me change my life. I was broke and tired of living from hand to mouth. In my sleep, I used to dream of big things; having great wealth; a multi-billion dollar company and a mega yatch I used for my holidays. In my dreams I owned a piece of the world but in reality I was poorer than a church mouse. Keifer became a milestone for me the moment he stepped into my life and the life I had dreamt of owning a piece of the world, started to become a reality. First, he showed me a path that led me to my financial freedom that was basically my goal in life. He enabled me to achieve this by carefully selecting reading books and hundreds of magazines on financial matters and how to deal with the financial issues. This has not only ensured my financial freedom, but has also assisted me in running a business that he assisted me to start. Secondly, he ideally put me closer to God by ensuring that I have changed my thinking in terms of believing in God. He not only took me to church, but also introduced me to his pastor and I began attending the Church service every Sunday. This was unlike me; I never even used to get a hundred meters close to triangular shaped buildings with crosses on them. Lastly, Keifer helped me improve my relationships with other people and cultivate a good relationship with them. He struggled hard to make sure that I realized how terribly I could not control my anger and deal with stresses aspects in my life something that had major contributions to numerous failures in life. Truthfully, Keifer helped me restore a very important aspect in life, hope. Ever since he

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